Sunday, 27 March 2011

Hamburg Euro Stuffing

Sven and partner. After a short discussion outside the 2 euro sunglasses stand we discovered they had just arrived back from Austria where Sven is a ski instructor.

Journey-Men, Christian & David from the Rolandschacht Clan in the Karolinen Veiertel Quarter

2 characters from the now touring 'Souvereines' show in the Karolinen Veiertel Quarter

Faces that look like banana's 2

Megan Sears, 2011

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Berlin Zeug

On February 5th I got given a 10 pass swimming ticket for my birthday.
This is the culprit.
He is German.

On my first trip to the Schwimmbad I took my recently purchased vintage Salamander heels.

I knew the swimming pools would only hold despair - in the form of over weight
German nana's gossiping after an aqua aerobics class or little kids releasing their
waldmeister juice into the unassuming waters.

This was the result:

on my way back from the swimming pool (I did 12 laps of doggy-paddle-breast-stroke)
I found this van on the side of the road. I looked into the back window and for a
moment I was in Barbados.

When I got home I made a hut in my lounge out of blankets to hide from the adults.

I took all these pictures on my compakt reflex Porst.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Taylors & Path

Last November I travelled into the deep karmic realms of Chateau D'un, a little south of Paris to work with the creator of a new menswear line, Taylors & Path.

We arrived back in Paris to shoot some of the collection before the waistcoats were taken to the South Pacific to be sold to people who had pre-ordered their one-off pieces.

Here are a couple of sneaky pics from the Paris shoot.

DJ Wild wears 'First Class Coach'

Piers wears 'Studril The Great', Edurna wears 'Crystal Meth-Od' and DJ Wild wears 'Strom'

Piers wears 'Spirals In Chaos'

Photography by Tania & Clem / 2010

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Maetrik - Paradigm House (Treibstoff)

This track had us going further and further into the Sideways Bend last weekend in Berlin.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

The girl's on speed

Cardashian Speedo necklace, made by Psychopatra for GS Jewellery.

We love the idea of being able to go 150 even when we're asleep.

Photo by Babiche Martens.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Little Dragon / My Step

Amazing track from wicked Swedish band, Little Dragon.
Video by Matt Scheuerer.

Faces that look like bananas

The concept of one of our favourite visual artists, Megan Sears.

Oh No Tokyo!

In light of today's hideous Earthquake/Tsunami in Japan,
we would like to pay homage to our friends in the East by dedicating
this post to all things Japanese.

We hope all our friends in Tokyo and the surrounding areas are okay!

This mayo gets a Rainbow Tear for making mayo-junkies around the world unbelievable happy in the good heart!

When you work as hard as the Japanese do, it's important to multi task (or let your kids multi task for you).
