Monday, 10 October 2011

Inside Scoop on: CRAIG NEELD"

It is Monday and exactly 8 days before the beginning of Amsterdam Dance Event. Until then, we will make sure you get just a tiny bit closer to the ones that will be providing you with a night long of entertainment on Saturday 22nd and early Sunday 23rd of October.

Our first Blog interview is with Craig Neeld from the UK. When asked to Craig Neeld to answer some questions about himself, he said the following:

"Some say that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. But to you what agrees with that I is saying that it’s the highest form of intelligence."

1. What is your lucky charm?
At the moment my lucky charm is a tiny Dutch clog key ring with the letter S on it. Its white with ornate pretty blue decorative flowers beautifully painted all over. Without it I am nothing, my life is but a shell, void of clogs…

2. Do you have any rituals?
25 press ups every morning without fail followed by a berocca effervescent 1000mg tablet in the finest spring water from the local corner shop imported exclusively for those that can’t afford Perrier. I also like to shower weekly whether I need it or not.

3. What has been your funniest/wierdest/most awkward dating experience?
I once met a girl in a gay night club that turned out to be a guy, imagine my surprise.. Were now married with 3 children. Geoff (my husband) was the first man ever to conceive children, Sex hasn’t quite been the same since. I think he’s met somebody else.

4. What is the worst track you know from the 80s-90s that because it’s so bad, it’s actually really good?
Rick Astley – Never Gonna Give You Up. There’s just something about a man in chinos and a red paisley tie that does it for me. And the way he swings those arms with true 80’s flair. So confident, so trendy, so talented. Rick is now a minister, sadly he no longer wears red paisley ties.

Craig Neeld's music can be listened to at:

1 comment:

  1. I would be supportive on all of your articles and blogs because they are just upto the mark.

