Alex is a tour guide in the techno jungle

Alex lives music... He plays it, makes it, teaches it, engineers it, designs it and most likely eats it and sleeps with it too.

But what I was really interested in is two things. One being "Why the Panda?" and two being, "Where does Thomson come from?"
Alex began to explain about his connection with the Panda.

"When I was born my Uncle bought me a huge Panda bear to sleep with and keep me warm. I was born in Scotland and it was pretty cold. I grew with this Panda soft toy being bigger than me till I was about 5, I always felt like it protected me, and I decided to bring the Panda back into my life, as my Logo for Alex Thomson and as the main feature and inspiration of my upcoming Audio-Visual Live Show... The Panda Project. It means something to it, and people seem to respond to that and understand, everyone loves the idea of a Panda at a party, I cant tell you about the amount of funny videos and images I receive everyday of Pandas just having fun, people relate that to me, and I really like it."
And Thomson ?
"Thomson is my mother's maiden name. She always supported me and encouraged to do what I enjoy and to make the most out of life, I decided to use "Thomson" as my artist name as a sign of respect to her. It also helps me define myself. Alex Mizzi is the normal day - to - day world version of me, he goes grocery shopping and pays the rent, whereas Alex Thomson gets to jump around from Studio to Studio and club to club meeting a world of interesting people and doing as much in the Audio world as possible.
At only 21 years old Alex's accomplishments show his eagerness to learn and his driving ambition. He's moved country three time and finally landed in Amsterdam becoming a member of the Elevator Passion team. His home base for as long as we can keep him.. and yes he is doing well!
Ableton teacher: CHECK
Degree in Audio engineering: CHECK
International Releases: CHECK
His Mission ?Alex Thomson is passionate as we can see, he strives to bring good music when under the spotlight and aims to please his crowds "I'm a techie, I calculate and match the match the music to suit the situation, I want people to go on a tour on the dance floor and understand how Tribal Tech House can meet Techno ’’ - Alex is a tour guide in the techno jungle. – Using Powerful basslines and tribally influenced percussions to lead his people.
But what drives him? '' Everything... if I had to say one thing .. it would be Curiosity. I always need to know everything about anything new in the audio world, new sounds, new ideas, new people, the information feeds me and inspires me. Its all a game in the end, you just have to learn how to play it. I got to where I am because of my curiosity, it drives me and inspires me to keep creating new things.
Im working on a couple of technologically impossible projects - but if they work out i'll be super happy ! The end result of a crowd going crazy to something I've built is what gives me the biggest rush."
Alex Thomson is not an ordinary DJ, for him its especially all about the perfect sound. You will never see him doing a DJ cliché or playing any commercial music that doesn't suit his powerful Tribal Tech sound. He believes the music needs to do the work, it needs to make the people move. that’s his statement. One of his favorite tracks that he's playing at the moment and supports his statement is F sonik - Forest people.
Music means a lot to Alex Thomson and that one thing he would like to tranfer to others.. "I'm happy to teach and share any knowledge I have, wether its musical experiences in a club full of people or through teaching at Unis Academy."
Beat palace club!
- Club Canvas op de 7e
- 15-12-2012
- Tech-House, Techno!
Or check out his fan page to keep up to date on his upcoming gigs and productions - he promises to keep it updated !
See you there!
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